
For you who have GPS, we are located at: 35.972931, -96.059411 

or use the: +35° 58' 22.55", -96° 3' 33.88" format, or see the map link below.

Driving DirectionsFrom Tulsa

When driving from Tulsa, go south on Highway 75 (the Beeline) to the Sapulpa / Highway 117 exit (also 121st Street).

Go west on Highway 117 (toward Sapulpa), but ONLY go 2-miles, to just over the crest of a hill, and turn left on 49th W. Ave.

Go south on 49th W. Ave. for only one-mile, and turn Right onto 131st Street.

Drive west on 131st Street for about 1/2 mile, and look for the "Camille's" sign on the Left.

Or use the Map link below!

Map of Camille's Cat House

Please click on the link (above) to get an interactive map from MapQuest.

Use the + or - buttons to zoom in or out on the map. Plus you can toggle between a Street Map view and an Aerial Map view.

Copyright © Camille Hulen 2010-2016 :: (918) 248-8100